
The Ahead Wind Team

A passionate group of computer vision, hardware, and 3D printing experts who are developing manufacturing's bold way forward - through AI-driven 3D-Printing intelligence delivering 0% failure at production scale

Our Core

Mission - Make 3D printing just work.
Values - Honesty, Patience, Quality
Strategy -Application driven software, informed with in-situ measurement.


3d printing

Combined 24 years of 3D Printing Experience

Rob Paddock - CEO * Cofounder

- Certified for critical part manufacturing using 3D printing.
- Full time founder since 2018
- 60% Cold email open rate

Isaiah Silva - CTO * Cofounder

- Directed and expanded the University of Denver's Innovation Labs and microFactory through COVID.
- Founded Atomata and was 2018 Y-Combinator Interviewee
- BS Mechitronics Engineering, University of Denver

Jacob goldman - CPO * COfounder

- A voting member of the ASTM International (American Society for Testing and Materials)
- Certified for ensuring quality assurance in 3D printing.
- BS Computer Science, University of Denver

© Copyright 2023 Ahead Wind Inc.

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